Wednesday, April 27, 2011


between my blog and my tumblr:


needing to buy a laptop since mine is snapping in half and slowly running down.
keeping my eyes open for a good deal... let me know if you hear of any, por favor?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

gethsemane - getty

To see the King of heaven fall
In anguish to His knees,
The Light and Hope of all the world
Now overwhelmed with grief.

What nameless horrors must He see,
To cry out in the garden:
“Oh, take this cup away from me –
Yet not my will but Yours,
Yet not my will but Yours.”

To know each friend will fall away,
And heaven’s voice be still,
For hell to have its vengeful day
Upon Golgotha’s hill.

No words describe the Savior’s plight -
To be by God forsaken
Till wrath and love are satisfied
And every sin is paid
And every sin is paid

What took Him to this wretched place,
What kept Him on this road?
His love for Adam’s cursed race,
For every broken soul.
No sin too slight to overlook,
No crime too great to carry
All mingled in this poisoned cup –
And yet He drank it all,
The Savior drank it all,
The Savior drank it all.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


it looks like sony wonder outside.
you know, back in the old days watching sesame street and that little sun would come out surrounded by white, fluffy clouds, and then the banner would float across followed by piano music?
wow, brings back memories.


The real issue is Where are we focusing our attention?
Are we working hard to perform?
Or are we working hard to rest in Christ's performance for us?
- Tullian Tchividian

"Work our your own salvation with fear and trembling [there's hard work on our part, but what are we fighting for?]... for it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure." -Philippians 2:13

Jesus has accomplished for us all of the things that we need to do and to be.
He was perfect, he was stainless, he was kind, he was loving, he was selfless.
He trusted, he prayed, he served, he worked, he bled, he did everything...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

online dating service.

my father walked into the room where i was listening to grooveshark.
there was an ad on the side for some sort of muscle-building pill or other,
with a picture of some freakishly photoshopped, huge, creepy guy.
dad looks concerned and asks,
"hey hannah, why is that guy trying to g-chat you?"
hahahaha... we need to teach daddy some technology interpretation skills.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

mount airy

saturday our family went to mount airy.
there was a chili cook-off.
how cool, fun, random and community-building is that?

there were judges who chose the best chili...
there were all kinds of contests and booths.
you could prolly smell the chili from miles away. :)

it was on the same strip of shops as the hive, retro-metro,
deja-vu, and lots of antique shops.
i love it there- if you haven't been... go!

bekah and i went into one cute little shop and found these...
old books from the 40's or 50's.
we spent $12 and got two... :)
besides looking really cool,
one of them was uncle tom's cabin,
a classic by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
it's a really good book...
i love her vivid descriptions and lively word choices.

so they are practical and retro-cool.
:) :) :)
i'll keep mine on a good place on the shelf.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

last thursday:

we went to tyson's corner!

i had never been before...
it is a big mall, with lots of great stores.
its really big and bright and clean.

bonus: going with two cute, lovely girls!
happy sweet sixteen stephiee! :D
(sorry, bad cell phone picture)
we went to forever 21, american eagle, h&m, accessorize,
sephora, the mac counter, delias, and lots of other places.

it was a blast with them! :D
we just laughed and talked about peanut butter, driving,
and some other random things...
i love these two godly, fun, joyful girls so much. heart!heart!
and while we were out...
we stopped by journey's...
and i finally decided...
to get sperry top-siders!
i got charcoal gray ones... :)
they go with just about everything.
actually i don't think there's anything i can't wear them with.
and they are suuuuper cute.
maybe a little preppy, but hey! preppy is the new cool. :)
(did that make sense? maybe not. who cares!)

this was a very hard decision now...
i still want toms and rainbows.
i think i'll have saved enough by the fall to buy toms.
anddd, i still want rainbows.

so don't be mad anyone out there. :) ok?
i actually am content with my decision...
although i wish i was a millionaire and could buy all three.

i liiiiiike these shoes. :D

Monday, April 11, 2011


i found this really cool notebook on etsy.
i love how the different pages are different textures.
new goal: make a book like this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

peace & joy

perfect peace
is filling my mind
and drawing my heart
to praise you again.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

God seems to be wanting to teach me about peace.
last year through my sickness and depression,
he revealed soosoosooo much to me in this area.

i've in no ways attained perfection in this area (haaaaaaaa),
but lately i have been SO blessed by peace from God.

he has given me so much peace and joy in him,
it has been un-believably amazing!
really "surpassed my understanding..." like Philippians says.
i don't deserve his grace, but he gives it.
i have squandered it, but he gives more grace.

here are some things he's been helping me learn.
(but again, i still have sooo much more growth to attain in this area).
hopefully this will encourage you all!

- he gives peace as a gift
- joy comes through obedience (although God's gift is by NO means limited to my obedience... praise the Lord!)
- the Gospel guarantees me the ultimate peace- peace with God in his holiness
- i find peace when i cast my cares on God, because he cares for me (1Peter4:7)

i have romans 5:1-5 memorized, and part of it keeps coming to mind... (one of the reasons its SO good to hide scripture away in your heart! it pops up when you need it!)

"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."

his grace through peace and joy does draw my heart to praise him.
how wonderfully he gives gifts to his undeserving children!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


i saw this on etsy and had a good laugh.
think my siblings should buy one: here.