we went to tyson's corner!
i had never been before...
it is a big mall, with lots of great stores.
its really big and bright and clean.
bonus: going with two cute, lovely girls!
happy sweet sixteen stephiee! :D
(sorry, bad cell phone picture)

we went to forever 21, american eagle, h&m, accessorize,
sephora, the mac counter, delias, and lots of other places.
it was a blast with them! :D
we just laughed and talked about peanut butter, driving,
and some other random things...
i love these two godly, fun, joyful girls so much. heart!heart!
and while we were out...
we stopped by journey's...
and i finally decided...
to get sperry top-siders!
i got charcoal gray ones... :)
they go with just about everything.
actually i don't think there's anything i can't wear them with.
and they are suuuuper cute.
maybe a little preppy, but hey! preppy is the new cool. :)
(did that make sense? maybe not. who cares!)
this was a very hard decision now...
i still want toms and rainbows.
i think i'll have saved enough by the fall to buy toms.
anddd, i still want rainbows.
so don't be mad anyone out there. :) ok?
i actually am content with my decision...
although i wish i was a millionaire and could buy all three.
i liiiiiike these shoes. :D
Sounds like fun, and I'm glad you found shoes you like. :) And hey, maybe you'll find some Rainbows and Toms at Goodwill brand new. You never know!