i have created a new tumblr for posting about things currently on my mind. i might still post personal things on here from time to time, but for all of my thoughts on cool things like politics, culture, the church, and potentially much more, please see http://hannahjmaka.tumblr.com/!
hannah joy
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Thursday, May 23, 2013
this past week i said goodbye to many family and friends
and packed lots of clothes and bandanas and towels and sheets and aloe and photos
into two suitcases and a carry-on.
because i'm leaving for mexico tomorrow!
and i put the rest of my belongings into cardboard boxes and taped them shut
because when i get back from mexico my family will have probably moved to a new house
without me.
when i get back i'll get to see their new house
and then i'll gather everything up again and move in with a friend who lives closer to school.
but in between the leaving and coming back
i'm going to meet a whole bunch of little Mexican people
and share God the Father's love with them.
i'm going to run around with new friends
in the dust and sunshine and thunderstorms.
i'm a little scared -
a new place
a new country
a new language.
but i'm mostly exhilarated and expectant
because of what i think God's gonna do in my life during this time
and in the lives of lots of other little people.
i think it's gonna be a good summer.
tiring and sunburnt and happy and exciting and new and memorable.
see yah tomorrow, mexico! looking forward to our meeting!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
summertime [looking back + exciting plans!]
last summer was a great one - actually the best one yet.
it was filled with so many adventures and milestones and new friendships.
we graduated high school. yeeah, that rocked. |
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girls beach trip :) |
hardcore hikers |
snorkeling, partying, hiking the appalachian trail, meeting new people, going to the beach (four times!!), graduating from high school, participating in local missions and summer celebration, serving at the youth retreat, watching God provide a job...
yeeeaah, last summer is going to be a hard one to top - that's for sure!
soooo... i am super freaking excited to announce that this summer is going to be awesome too!
why? you may ask.
i am planning to go on a missions trip to Rancho3M in Mexico!
this past week i was officially accepted as an intern at an orphanage in Juarez. everything seems to have opened up! this is something that i've wanted to do for a long time and something that God has really placed on my heart. after praying about it for several months, i feel that God is calling me to go spend a month and a half at the orphanage this summer, caring for young children and sharing God's love with them.
right now all i know is that i'll be there from the end of May through the middle of July. soon i'll be able to let you guys know the exact dates!
stay tuned!
this is a BIG BIG deal for me - can you believe i've never been out of the country before?! i am so excited!
never having done anything like this, i am a little scared too. but so pumped!
please keep me in your prayers as i prepare to leave in about a month - pray for my safety and health, for the kids at the orphanage, and for me to be a blessing and advance God's kingdom.
PLEASE also pray that i'll be able to pick up Spanish fast! haha!
if you want to give financially that would be great too. i'm looking to raise about $650, so just email me so i can send you my home address! no pressure though!
last summer was pretty groovy, but i think this summer is shaping up to be awesome too! :)
i'll be writing again soon with more information about going to Mexico, so stick around!
yayyyy!!! :D :D :D
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”
- Hebrews 1:3
he holds the universe.
i love how it says "he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high."
it's like he's SO in control. he's so able.
he's not standing or pacing around heaven nervously wondering what our lives will be like.
he's just... sitting. haha.
he's got our future. he's got it all figured out.
no need to be anxious about anything.
there are so many options, ideas, dreams, and plans.
but God knows them all and he knows what is BEST.
i'm so thankful.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
right now.
* right now i'm super into collages. i make new ones all the time, with random odds and ends of things i've been liking lately.
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this is my current desktop background. as you can tell by the mishmash of summer and fall themes, i'm starting to embrace the cooler, crisper weather, while still holding on to fond summer memories. |
* right now i'm loving college. i'm such a nerd, but school excites me. i love being stretched and challenged intellectually, and i have some of the best teachers this semester who are passionate about their subject and love teaching their students.
i'm only taking classes monday/wednesday/friday, which means that i have to carry around all of my books every time i get on campus. no breaks between classes either. |
* right now i am looking forward to Les Miserables. i watched the extended look trailer and almost lost it because it looks like it is going to be suuuch a good movie.
* right now i'm learning about fear vs. trust. it's hard to not know what i want in the future - it's hard to not be able to see what God has. but it's awesome too! i know that my Savior has good in store for me, and i am starting to get super excited.
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via Pinterest. |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Acts - The Musical [2012]
i'm so thankful that i got to be apart of our church's drama production retelling the story of Acts. it really was a great experience, filled with much laughter and prayer, and the friendships that i have built from doing this show are awesome. so many godly, awesome people :)
{this post is for rachel, since she didn't get to come down and see it in person. bekah and i missed you! heart heart!!}
it's been fun. :) miss hanging out with all my acts peeps every day!
this is at an early on rehearsal...
we started working on this show at the beginning of the school year.
then at the end of april, we did four shows over two weekends.
getting ready included lots of stage makeup and some fun and bright costumes.
there were lots and lots of mics for all of the actors and actresses.
after we were all dressed and made up, we'd sit around downstairs waiting to get called.
this is the front of the program.
... and the inside. my name is on the bottom.
i was a greek widow and a crowd member.
and here's rebekah's name in the program under "production assistants"!
she was a huge help to our stage manager.
the opening scene was filled with so much joy every time.
all the disciples praying for and baptizing the crowds who came out to hear them speak.
these next photos are from "Walk By Faith," taken from Acts chapter 3.
the crippled man jumping and dancing.
i never realized how cool this song's choreography was until i was able to see the pictures!
Barnabas, the dashing heart throb, hugs one of the widows, while the rest look on shocked. haha!
hahaha, we're not happy.
but it turns out they're cousins. so everything's good then.
then we have another drama unfold between the widows...
based on Acts chapter 6, where the Greek widows aren't getting enough food.
we even got a little mini cat-fight goin' :)
then us cool uns went downstairs to chill during the intermission.
the asian philosopher in Athens, city full of idols.
and the finale. SO. GOOD.
after and during all of the shows, we took lots of pictures with lots of friends and family members.
haha, sorry there were hundreds taken so the ones i have here are mostly ones with me in them. haha!
me with bethan, our lovely designated person-with-a-british-accent :)
BAHAHAHA. david, daniel, and i.
rachel and i. lovesss her!!
me, jenna, noelle.
me, noelle, debbie, jenna, allie. love you girls!
aww, my lovey ellie! :D
all of us seniors.
we're a crazy crew :)
the whole cast.
out in the lobby afterwards, a lot of little kids wanted to get our signatures. it was so cute!
this is me with hannah joy keeler! :) yeahhhh hannah power!
bekah and i! oh yeah and cole... haha.
after and during all of the shows, we took lots of pictures with lots of friends and family members.
haha, sorry there were hundreds taken so the ones i have here are mostly ones with me in them. haha!
me with bethan, our lovely designated person-with-a-british-accent :)
BAHAHAHA. david, daniel, and i.
rachel and i. lovesss her!!
me, jenna, noelle.
me, noelle, debbie, jenna, allie. love you girls!
aww, my lovey ellie! :D
all of us seniors.
we're a crazy crew :)
the whole cast.
out in the lobby afterwards, a lot of little kids wanted to get our signatures. it was so cute!
this is me with hannah joy keeler! :) yeahhhh hannah power!
bekah and i! oh yeah and cole... haha.
on the last night, we had to take down the set and clean up everything.
as you can clearly see, we had so much energy. we were so glad to help.
we actually should have won an award for "most helpful."
we actually should have won an award for "most helpful."
it's been fun. :) miss hanging out with all my acts peeps every day!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
such. is life.
recently, i've been realizing i might be trying (and epically failing) to keep up in too many areas.
- i am now juggling: facebook, tumblr, pinterest, flickr, this blog.
- i also check regularly: three email addresses, google reader, etsy.
- and school is picking up: psych at mc, en102 at mc, ap bio at mci, teaching a middle school lit class.
- dyi & projects: in the middle of painting my room, decorating, organizing my desk, moving my stuff to a new bedroom & bathroom.
- senior stuff: more scholarships (DONE applications!), senior pictures, trying to pull together some old photos, senior trip planning committe.
- work is thankfully slowing down: only tutoring one elementary school student once a week.
- misc: parties, getting in shape (figure out gym schedule for mornings at mc), having quiet times every morning, i really need to clean my bathroom, i should make more granola, cook one family dinner a week, etc.
- and i know there's more, i just can't remember everything. there's a hundred little things floating around in mid-air which i know i should be doing, but they're too tiny and they slip through the cracks in my mind.
i want to scrap at least one of the social networking sites listed in the first catagory. i mean, do i really need a blog and a tumblr? do i really need a flickr? i've already gotten off flickr, but i'm trying to decide what to do about my blog/tumblr situation.
i think this blog is going to become my personal, reflectory, long, wordy post place. my tumblr... everything else. sound good? ok.
- i am now juggling: facebook, tumblr, pinterest, flickr, this blog.
- i also check regularly: three email addresses, google reader, etsy.
- and school is picking up: psych at mc, en102 at mc, ap bio at mci, teaching a middle school lit class.
- dyi & projects: in the middle of painting my room, decorating, organizing my desk, moving my stuff to a new bedroom & bathroom.
- senior stuff: more scholarships (DONE applications!), senior pictures, trying to pull together some old photos, senior trip planning committe.
- work is thankfully slowing down: only tutoring one elementary school student once a week.
- misc: parties, getting in shape (figure out gym schedule for mornings at mc), having quiet times every morning, i really need to clean my bathroom, i should make more granola, cook one family dinner a week, etc.
- and i know there's more, i just can't remember everything. there's a hundred little things floating around in mid-air which i know i should be doing, but they're too tiny and they slip through the cracks in my mind.
i want to scrap at least one of the social networking sites listed in the first catagory. i mean, do i really need a blog and a tumblr? do i really need a flickr? i've already gotten off flickr, but i'm trying to decide what to do about my blog/tumblr situation.
i think this blog is going to become my personal, reflectory, long, wordy post place. my tumblr... everything else. sound good? ok.
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