Wednesday, January 25, 2012

such. is life.

recently, i've been realizing i might be trying (and epically failing) to keep up in too many areas.
- i am now juggling: facebook, tumblr, pinterest, flickr, this blog.
- i also check regularly: three email addresses, google reader, etsy.

- and school is picking up: psych at mc, en102 at mc, ap bio at mci, teaching a middle school lit class.
- dyi & projects: in the middle of painting my room, decorating, organizing my desk, moving my stuff to a new bedroom & bathroom.
- senior stuff: more scholarships (DONE applications!), senior pictures, trying to pull together some old photos, senior trip planning committe.
- work is thankfully slowing down: only tutoring one elementary school student once a week.
- misc: parties, getting in shape (figure out gym schedule for mornings at mc), having quiet times every morning, i really need to clean my bathroom, i should make more granola, cook one family dinner a week, etc.
- and i know there's more, i just can't remember everything. there's a hundred little things floating around in mid-air which i know i should be doing, but they're too tiny and they slip through the cracks in my mind.

i want to scrap at least one of the social networking sites listed in the first catagory. i mean, do i really need a blog and a tumblr? do i really need a flickr? i've already gotten off flickr, but i'm trying to decide what to do about my blog/tumblr situation.

i think this blog is going to become my personal, reflectory, long, wordy post place. my tumblr... everything else. sound good? ok.


1 comment:

  1. I'd say get rid of the Tumblr, pininterest and flickr, i mean really? Whatever you do on those sites you can do here! Post other websites, share photos and such...
