last summer was a great one - actually the best one yet.
it was filled with so many adventures and milestones and new friendships.
we graduated high school. yeeah, that rocked. |
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girls beach trip :) |
hardcore hikers |
snorkeling, partying, hiking the appalachian trail, meeting new people, going to the beach (four times!!), graduating from high school, participating in local missions and summer celebration, serving at the youth retreat, watching God provide a job...
yeeeaah, last summer is going to be a hard one to top - that's for sure!
soooo... i am super freaking excited to announce that this summer is going to be awesome too!
why? you may ask.
i am planning to go on a missions trip to Rancho3M in Mexico!
this past week i was officially accepted as an intern at an orphanage in Juarez. everything seems to have opened up! this is something that i've wanted to do for a long time and something that God has really placed on my heart. after praying about it for several months, i feel that God is calling me to go spend a month and a half at the orphanage this summer, caring for young children and sharing God's love with them.
right now all i know is that i'll be there from the end of May through the middle of July. soon i'll be able to let you guys know the exact dates!
stay tuned!
this is a BIG BIG deal for me - can you believe i've never been out of the country before?! i am so excited!
never having done anything like this, i am a little scared too. but so pumped!
please keep me in your prayers as i prepare to leave in about a month - pray for my safety and health, for the kids at the orphanage, and for me to be a blessing and advance God's kingdom.
PLEASE also pray that i'll be able to pick up Spanish fast! haha!
if you want to give financially that would be great too. i'm looking to raise about $650, so just email me so i can send you my home address! no pressure though!
last summer was pretty groovy, but i think this summer is shaping up to be awesome too! :)
i'll be writing again soon with more information about going to Mexico, so stick around!
yayyyy!!! :D :D :D