Monday, March 7, 2011


i love the way they sound. youknow. "flip-flop, flip-flop." they SOUND summery.

during the summer, i wear them and i wear them as far into the fall as i possibly can. which is until about november. and then i start wearing them again in february. that way in my mind there is only a two month gap between summers. it works, i'm tellin' yah.

and they bring warm weather faster. wear them, and it shows the sun how much you love him. which boosts his self-esteem mucho. and he shines down on you. hhhhaaaaaaaaaa. ok, wow. i'm weird.

my dad has some sort of a grudge against them... like seriously. he doesn't like it when his children wear them. he thinks they are bad for your arches, and they'll give you back problems. whaaaat? maybe he is right, but ummm. iliiiikethem. sorry daddy, i still love youuu.

i have three or maybe four pairs. and most of them are falling apart. i needs gets me some more. yessss pleasse.

:) and that's my thoughts on flipflops, folks!


  1. Get Rainbows! They're great for your arches. I wear my Uggs all Winter, my Toms all Fall, and my Rainbows all Spring and Fall. Wear 'em to fancy things, wear 'em to the beach, wear 'em around the house. $60 but totally worth the investment. When you try them on in the store they don't feel so great but they break in. The straps get looser and the sandal bed molds to your feet. They have them at Journeys at Lakeforest mall.

  2. serious? I avoid flip-flops at almost all costs. the only time i will voluntarily wear then is occasionally with jeans, and every once in a while with shorts or a jean skirt. but for the most part. Sneakers aaaaallll the way.

  3. anna- haha! wow, really?
    sneakers aren't as comfortable...
    but i guess they are a lot easier in case you have to run,
    and they don't fall off like flipflops.
    hmm. haha! :)
