Sunday, December 12, 2010

oh christmas tree

we went up to new market a week or two ago and got our christmas tree.
we always have a hard time picking out a tree.
we walk around for an hour looking at every tree at the farm.
at the end, each one of us likes a different tree.
we then discuss and remember that one tree at the far side of the farm that we all kind of agreed on.
so we walk back there, which is quite a hike from where we've wandered to, and figure out that its lost in the millions of other trees we've seen.
so then we start all over, and and survey all the trees again.
this year, most of us decided that we liked this little guy.
we all helped saw it down, and then abigail hauled it back to the car single handedly.
and no, i'm not even joking!
we brought it in the house and put it in a stand, a week later put lights on it, and just a day or two ago we put all the ornaments on.
it's quite a work in progress.

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