up next on the recap of '10: marchy and apryy.

i love the smells and colors and breezes of spring after the dull, gray skies of winter.
this is pretty much the story of our lives,
so i'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
also in april, we went up to the probe's farm in mount airy.
shooting guns, flying around on four-wheelers and dirt bikes...
pretty much my kinda life.
HA! that's a joke.
if you've yet to hear the story involving my first time on a dirt bike... ask to hear it. you will not be disappointed. i promise you.
funfun with the adameks, tvardziks, laymans, brewers, and cooks... :)
beks turned thirteen! :)
happy first official teenager birthday! :)
next year we'll be going to the youth retreat together.
my last and her first.
i cannot wait. words cannot describe.
but maybe this can: (!!!)
we went to old town alexandria...
everything was awesome and old.
now just look at the pictures.
red door.
it was a lot of fun.
alexandria is an town in virginia, just outside d.c.
it was the perfect family day trip...
many, many memories that will not fit in this space.
may comin' up tomorrow. :)
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